A random rant

A few weeks ago I had a huge and horrid panic attack…my body is telling me to slow down I thought so I joined a pilates class… I had session number four this evening and I like to think I have given it a fair old crack of the whip but I have to tell you; it’s not for me.

The lady who takes the class is lovely, and quite a looker to be honest- very Susan Hampshire but it is just too slow for me all tiny weeny controlled movements and slow lateral breaths- hum.
I have to pretend to understand the whole idea of rocking until you are in neutral- WHAT?!
Nod when she asks if I am engaging my core to the 5th notch of my imaginary hipster belt,
and smile in a knowing way when she says ‘ can you feel your pelvic floor reaching level 3 of the lift’. No quite frankly I can not!
I am more of a run until you think you might puke or faint kind of gal so I think I will finish the next to sessions and get back to my good old fashioned gym sessions. I have signed up to the marathon for next year so need to get back into some kind of fitness routine asap really- Have bought myself a book on running so surely my fitness levels are soon to go through the roof (whether I read the book or not!)

Thats that off my chest then- first non work blog done and dusted- just a bit of a paractise for my next awe inspiring rant.

Nighty night!
Corby. x

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